Monday, January 30, 2006

I Took a Roadtrip

Well I took Hwy 101 to Cayucos to see my friends & then ventured the PCH Hwy 1 to Cambria & then on to San Simeon. I wanted to check out the lighthouse at Ragged Point, but it was closed for restoration so I just took a few shots from the gate & then drove back towards Cambria. I did pull off to check out the sunset & the seals on the beach near the lighthouse. It was beautiful & met a lady that is a "Pea", like myself! I often check out & post things on 2peas in a bucket. It was really funny to meet someone that asked me "Are you a pea?" that was the first time anyone had ever asked me! It was one of the highlights of my day. So I told her we should take each other's picture! She then said "Hold on I will get my husband!". So we had our pic taken together! It was really a fun experience. There are really some nice people on the message board & it was fun to meet one out of the blue. I also talked to a guy that was visiting from Hawaii. He was taking a drive from San Francicso to San Diego to see the coast. He told me that he had lived on the island all his life & wanted to see what the rest of the country had to offer so he took a week off of work & spent it in California. I forgot to suggest maybe next time check out the Grand Canyon, now that is awesome! Anyway off I go to get ready for work!

Sunday, January 29, 2006

What a day!

Today I got a chance to practice some shots with my new backdrop I bought from ILP. My friend sent her daughter Eleesha over to play! We had a great time. I had found a little black boa at the Target $1 Spot & I have been collecting fairy wings since Halloween. While I was at Target I also got Sara Evans new cd & a new book to read that looks good "The Original Cyn" about a girl named Cynthia! Started reading it today. Also working on Valentine pics too. So I only had about an hour to shoot as I had to leave the house for a 2pm appt. Today I cashed in my Spa/Massage gift certificate from the husband. It was really nice to be pampered today. So then when I left there I decided to have the old brows waxed too! Then I came home ate a quick dinner & off to see the movie "The Family Stone" playing on base with Liz. We had a good time! The movie was good & so was the popcorn. Tomorrow I hope to take some pics up at Cayucos as the scrapping girls are up there this weekend & my friend Lyd is over from her new home in Visalia. Good times! Anyway off to bed to catch some shut eye!

Thursday, January 26, 2006

I am a college student!

Well I decided to take the plunge & take a class at the local community college. I am taking Photo 110 introduction to Black & White film. I am pretty excited about the class to actually get some hands on experience to learn how to achieve a correct exposure. Last night was my 2nd class as it meets 2x a week. The first night I felt like I was the old lady going back to school; however, last night a gal sat beside me & for a class exercise we had to interview & introduce each other. After the interview, I realized I kind of lead a boring life. I could not think of anything exciting to tell her. She also felt the same way. Jessica, that is her name, is a triple major in her last semester! That is pretty impressive! So maybe I made a new friend. At least that is what I am hoping because one of her majors is graphic design. That means she can help me navigate photoshop better! :) I am excited! Oh yes! I almost forgot yesterday was the weekly WW meeting. I have officially lost my first 10lbs! Yeah! Only many more to go. That's okay I will get there. I have been working on collages that people call storyboards. They are very cute as you can see above. Just a few images kind of in a sequence or from the same event. I am having fun creating them. Well must run as I have to get ready for a job that doesn't appreciate me & only bleeds me dry of my creativity. It's either that or the bloodsuckers! Hi ho hi ho!

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Fighting the Good Fight

I know I am not the only one that feels I fight with the scale on a daily basis. Almost willing it to move to the left just a little more! Yesterday was weigh in #3 at WW. I lost 1.6 which brings my grand total to date to 9.8. 2/10 of a lb away from 10lbs. after I left I thought maybe my earrings were weighing me down. Mental Note will have to take them off next time. This is not my first rodeo at the WW. In May 2002 I joined & by May 2003 I had lost 40 lbs. Then life happened & I guess the one thing I could control was my good friend food. It seems to be a love/hate relationship most of the time. They say it's all mental so maybe I just need a hypnotist you know to plant the seeds "no I don't like sweets especially chocolate", and "Yes, I love to exercise". I have not started the incorporation of exercise in my new regime. I know I need to and I have to if I want to lose & be successful in my weight loss. So honestly the scale is not my enemy I am my enemy when I think about it. No one can do it for me I just have to do it for myself. Maybe there is still some fear in the fact of what happened previously. I just have to learn to let go and have faith. After all that is what sustains us. After all I want to look like I did in May of 2003 again! I miss that Old Navy shirt & my Old Navy low rise jeans. They still hang in my closet in hopes that someday we will meet again. I am getting there, don't get me wrong I feel like I have the renewed willpower. Just yesterday the big boss brought in donuts. Maybe if it had been a Dunkin Donuts Managers Special I would have caved; however, I didn't I stayed strong & will have to as I know what is important now.

Sunday, January 15, 2006


Here we are the end of the weekend and I still want to take pictures of people. I am tired of shooting the dogs, the spouse, myself etc... I will need to call in reinforcements. I will have to borrow kids & take their pictures! Yesterday I was bored. I had invited friends over to scrap but they were busy & Mike was working on his "Project Car". I do have to say it is looking better and better! Yesterday it would rain then the sun would come out then it would rain. So Mike gave up on the wetsanding of his paint job & we went to Santa Maria to the movies. We ended up seeing "Last Holiday" with Queen Latifah. It was really cute! Sometimes you just need to see a feel good movie. Well I think today I will find random people & take their picture! I need to practice! Well, off to find my subjects!

Monday, January 09, 2006

Goodness How Time Flies!

I had not even realized I had not updated my blog since the first! Over the weekend & still now I have had a wicked cold. Saturday I had a fever of 102 degrees! My digital thermometer broke. How do I know this? It was reading that I had a temp of 105.6; therefore, I broke out the old standard thermometer for the correct reading. Thank goodness the digital was wrong or I might have brain damage by now! While I was cooped up in the house kicked back on the couch watching movies high on cold meds I guess I became bored & felt inspired to create. So I decided to make some Valentine Cards for a card workshop at my house. Will have to include one here. Anyway there is always an upside to illness. I think I lost about 5lbs! It was probably all draining out of my nose! Ewww! Oh well congested today lighter tomorrow! Can't wait to weigh in this week at WW! Ha! Take care!

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Happy New Year!

Wow here we are 2006. I suspect that weight watchers will be busy this next week as people will be resolving to fight the battle of the bulge. That is why I joined last week. Tried to beat the crowd you know. So since I am from the South as I was growing up it has always been ingrained in me to not clean or do laundry on New Years. By washing clothes you wash away a member of your family. So I intend to do something fun & exciting today that way I will be doing it for the rest of the year. Maybe I will scrapbook after making myself a yummy breakfast with the least amount of points! Yippee! I will have to shower as I definitely want to be clean all next year!